Ensures the safety of the group or individual. Prepares you to effectively leave no trace and minimize resource damage. Helps staying organized and accomplishing trip goals. Increases self-confidence and opportunities for learning more about nature
Travel through natural areas while respectively avoiding damage to land or waterways. Stay within the width of the designated trail as damage occurs when surface vegetation or communities of organisms are trampled beyond recovery.
Find an untraveled spot at least 200 feet from any water source to dig a cat hole 6-8 inches deep to bury human waste. Plan meals and prepare to pack out any trash generated. Do not bury or burn any trash in the fire, it will still attract wildlife. To wash yourself or your dishes carry water 200 feet away from any water source and use biodegradable soap.
Allow others to experience discovery by leaving rocks, plants, archeological artifacts, and other objects of interest as you found them. Avoid damaging trees and plants.
Never leave a fire unattended. Keep all wood and fuel sources away from active fire. Thoroughly extinguish fire when done with use. Dead and downed trees are easy to collect and burn. Only purchase and use wood from local distributors.
Observe wildlife from a distance. Quick movements loud noises are stressful to animals. Do not pursue, feed, or force animals to flee. Although It is good to make a little noise so bears are not easily startled.
This helps everyone enjoy their outdoor experience. Be mindful to not be obtrusive and in control of excessive noise, use of technology and pets that may take away from the natural appeal of nature. Please also keep pets leashed at all times.